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Essential for Business Immersive Experiences

Experiences that Transform Language Learning

Our Unique Experiences

At Essential for Business, we go beyond traditional classrooms. We offer SPECIAL ACTIVITIES that immerse professionals in experiential and dynamic language learning, inspiring, engaging and empowering each participant.

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Workshops: Key Skills for Globalized Professionals

Develop impactful presentation skills, persuasive sales techniques and effective customer management strategies through our interactive workshops.

Team Building: Unite, Motivate, Achieve

From outdoor challenges and escape rooms to mindfulness workshops and eSports competitions, our team building activities are designed to improve communication in new languages while strengthening your team cohesion.

Equipo de rafting
Cena con amigos

Meals and Gastronomic Experiences

Our cooking workshops with native chefs and tasting sessions offer a relaxed, culturally rich environment to practice languages, from language immersion lunches and dinners to educational food tours.

Customization at your fingertips

We understand that each company has unique needs, so all of our activities can be customized to suit your specific requirements, guaranteeing an experience that is not only educational but also unforgettable.

Contact us

Carrer Balmes 182, Principal 2a

08024 Barcelona (Barcelona)

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