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En 2011, Bea Navarro y Àngels Creus, ambas procedentes del mundo empresarial, decidieron unir fuerzas para crear un método de enseñanza de idiomas único: hecho por profesionales y para profesionales. Su visión se materializó en "Essential for Business".
Since 2011

Passion, professionalism, knowledge and innovation with an exclusive language learning method

Our history

In 2011, Bea Navarro and Àngels Creus, both from the business world, decided to join forces to create a unique language teaching method: made by professionals and for professionals. Their vision was realized in "Essential for Business."

Our mission

At Essential for Business, our dedication goes beyond teaching languages.We train professionals so that they not only speak fluently, but also acquire effective communication techniques. We seek to ensure that they have the desired impact in their international interactions, whether with clients, suppliers, colleagues or any business associate.

How do we do it? Our Key Points:


We recognize that each professional has unique needs. For this reason, we have defined more than 400 communicative situations with associated material. Our priority is for professionals to rehearse these situations, gaining confidence and security, and achieving fluid communication in real situations.

En Essential for Business, nuestra dedicación va más allá de enseñar idiomas. Formamos a profesionales para que no solo hablen con fluidez, sino que también adquieran técnicas de comunicación efectivas. Buscamos que tengan el impacto deseado en sus interacciones internacionales, ya sea con clientes, proveedores, colegas o cualquier interlocutor.

Our Commitment:

Our methodology, together with expert trainers, advanced management systems and a dedicated back office team, allows us to offer a personalized service, with a "boutique" approach, and with global reach.

Our team

Meet the professionals who make your linguistic success possible.

Our Commitment: Your Success

We want to be more than a provider oflanguage courses for companies; We aspire to become an indispensable extension of your professional team. Throughsubsidized training courses and a multilingual approach, we strive to be the definitive resource that enhances your career and your company's global communication.

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